Wednesday 16 October 2013

Whats on my mind?

Monday 22 October 2012


I saw my neighbour today and I asked him, ''do you know you have three eyes?'' Being a yoruba man he replied me with a suprised look, Kilo shéle? (meaning 'whats happening'). ''I have 2 eyes ni, abi you are a calling me a witch?'' But I wasn't moved by his confusion. ''Yes'', I said to him, ''you have three eyes and the third eye is your MIND.'' My friend, even you have a mind,a third eye, what are you doing with it? Are you only seeing with the 2 eyes you are used to? Are you just seeing the decay,the poverty,the lack of jobs around you thereby using it to judge your life and circumstance? Do you wake up in the morning and you see how poor your family background or your academic qualification is and you use it to judge your life and future? Why not start SEEING WITH YOUR THIRD EYE,YOUR MIND and realize that you can become who you think you can only if u keep working hard. Dont be moved by sight,but by your faith,your believe that you are an achiever! (From Achievers $ Champions).

Tuesday 1 November 2011


               "Why should anybody be interested in some old man who was a failure?"
Ernest Hemingway


Nobody loves a looser, everyone associates with winners. A man`s success opens doors for him. Money can buy royalty and royal affilLiation gives color to wealth. Successful men dine with kings, while others cook for him. The world does not celebrate nonentities, but celebrities. Every man has got a place for himself on earth, and there is no place specially made for anyone. The moment you achieve and assume a position it becomes yours and will stay so. It will not disappear, only lack of knowledge, indiscipline and weakness will take it away from you.
           Success permeates one generation to another. A well grounded financial life does not end with a generation. It goes from one generation to another. The Bush’s, Clinton’s, Dangote`s, Gate’s etc will always have a stake in the society, their names will open doors anywhere they go to.  
          This can be achieved by anybody ready to work towards it.
           You must not fail because of you grand children,great grand and all the rest that follows.

                 Successful people are common but they are not ordinary! They are available everywhere but they are not cheap! They are just humans like everyone but they have added class to their lives thereby creating a space between themselves and those who have not received the baptism of success. Their kids are confident of their future; they don’t worry about money, but how to spend and contain it.
                 When a man hits the halls of money and fame, even his close friends feels the impact positively or negatively. Imagine having a close pal who suddenly hits it big. Soon you don’t get to see him like before, he stops calling you, he stops appearing at the usual local joints or hangouts the both of you frequented in the past. You complain. You don’t have to, success has made him busy, his taste has increased and his class has changed. This does not mean its right to forget ones friends in the days of abundance, but it’s a natural phenomenon that when people get high, those below counts l

 If you feel hurt about any man or woman who severs ties with you because of a newly found wealth, simply create a ladder for yourself and climb high. Join him there or even dare to beat him. The success of a friend who later ignores or forgets you should not annoy or demoralize you, but it should be a motivator to act, to behold and conquer without mercy,the good things in life. 
            You must not fail in order to be respected.

             Happiness cannot be bought with money. That is true. But money can buy away a reasonable amount of unhappiness. When a man attains a given age in life, and he looks at the poor, insignificant life he has lived in the past, a life with nothing to boast for, a life with nothing to be proud of, a life where there is no  notable achievement, he feels a sense of waste. He feels like he just sleep walked his days on earth in a confused state. At that time he sees  some of his friends making  waves, some on the TV, magazines, etc ,and all  he can say is, “that man was my classmate”! His children hears him and all they can do is wonder, “where was dad when his classmate was making it this big while he is still like this?” The answer is simple, there are talismans which their dad refused to possess!
         You must not fail in order to be proud of your life without regretting your past!