Monday 24 October 2011


"you can only be disabled when you are in the grave"   

          Someone requested for a list of things a disabled person can do to make money. And my answer is,they are many.But one must first of all understand that like the above quote,disability does not exist among the living. It can only do when a person declares himself useless by assuming and accepting the state of hopelessness.
          The phrase,mindset is common,but many folks undermine the power of the mind. The mind is the begining and end of who a man is,what he is,what he can do,and what he cant. It is the beginning and end of his whole entirty. It motivates his action to a given direction and determine the level of his thinking. It affects every part of his life,from what he wears to what he eats and to where he lives. For A SO CALLED DISABLED,the mind is very important.

           I refuse to call these so called disabled people "disabled". I will call them "the physically challanged".  Being so, the mind is there to create ideas,execute them,make money and do exploit.
          Self pity will not help,it will makes  life empty. These are the things a disabled person can do depending on the extent of the challange.

                             1.  Opening up of a shop,supermaket style or just a mini mart. ..........This will not be hard to operae when there is an assisant who can and will be your legs,hands,and so on.
                              2. Online business,through blog,ClickBank,Ebay,software sales or marketting.        
                              3. Forest trade
                              4. Real estate and transporation..............This is for those with a little income already,you better  becide to invest it so that you will be saved from hunger and starvation in the future. Saving is not the best
                             5.  Baking of cakes,pies and bread in large quantities for sale
                             6.  Writing of books and movie scripts
                              7. General investment.

                   Knowing these things are not enough,but how to do them. If you want to learn more,drop a comment and ask your questions. We are here because of you.

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